Anyway, (that was a long story, sorry) back to Lucas. My friend Jennifer from the Cook's Club, had her baby son, Lucas, baptized on Sunday. She wanted a half chocolate and half white cake with fresh strawberry filling and a swiss meringue buttercream frosting. I also decided to cover it in fondant to make it easier to apply the ribbon she requested. It was a 14" cake, but I made the layers pretty thick so rolling out the fondant was a workout that left me not needing to go to the gym for about a week! The fondant had to be rolled out to 25"! So tiring and with the weather being so wet and rainy, my fondant was not a friend that day. But I did it and was able to deliver all 50 lbs. of that cake in time. Here is the final result. She also wanted the design to replicate the invite for the baptism, so I enlarged an image of it and traced it out in black fondant. I liked how the rosary looked, just like the invitation. I was really glad to be able to do this cake. Especially since I now need to take a baking break until after the holidays since I am both working and going to school full time now. Plus learning two new curriculums, a new school, and district. Thanks to Jennifer and her family for allowing me to take part in Lucas' special day.
God Bless Lucas.

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